REFuturists Social Media Marketing Campaign
REFuturists is working with a new non-profit initiative that will use music marketing tools to create awareness campaigns that promote biodiversity, climate change, and sustainability goals. You will work with one of the founders of Earthsongs to develop its technology infrastructure and ability to effectively implement social media marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. A core objective of this project is to manage the integration of each social element and develop basic automations for emails and newsletters.

REFuturists Social Media Marketing Campaign
Help one of our clients, Earthsongs, develop its technology infrastructure to effectively implement social media marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok A core objective of this project is to manage the integration of each element, develop submission forms for music to the site, integrate Canva and MailChimp.

REFuturists Social Media Marketing Campaign
Help Earthsongs develop its technology infrastructure to effectively implement social media marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok A core objective of this position is to manage the integration of each element, develop submission forms for music to the site, integrate Canva and MailChimp.

Marketing Regeneration
Objective We hope to gain valuable research around regeneration industry as well as create content to help our brand thrive in the space

Marketing Regeneration: Social Media Campaign Management
PROJECT SCOPE Positions available: 4 REFUTURISTS is a start-up social purpose marketing agency dedicated to promoting regeneration. REFUTURISTS purpose is to curate regenerative influencers to advance their impact. REFUTURISTS will be the most trusted guide and curator (platform) for the emerging regenerative economy. REFUTURISTS focuses on the role of nano-influencers in social media to diffuse new ideas through novel content creation and trust-based relationships (word-of-mouth). Nano-influencers, content creators, follow a campaign brief and produce novel content to promote products and services to their networks. We help influencers tell their story of brand regeneration as an aspirational ideal with mainstream culture. REFUTURIST Definition: A hero. A person dedicated to the flourishing of all life now and for the future. Any person using design science skills* to create businesses and ways of living that restore, revitalize and respect life and living systems. *Design Science skills reference an outgrowth from Buckminister Fuller's work and include, (among others), biomimicry, agroecology, green chemistry, futurism, commons, biophilia, sharing economy, experiential learning, design thinking, maker movement, holistic management, immersive media, crowdsourcing, appropriate technology et al. About Regeneration Regeneration is the step beyond sustainability. It is the emerging ethical trend at the intersection of Shared Values, benefit corporations / B Corps , social purpose entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. Companies and customers adopting regenerative values are driven by an understanding that the global economy must undergo rapid transformation to offset climate change and surpass the baseline goals set by the UN Agenda 2030 . The Doughnut Economy model developed by Economist Kate Raworth best describes the ethos of regenerative businesses. This project focuses on providing content creation services for nano influencer clients. You will work with nano influencer clients to develop customized content creation services to support their work. You will be the account representative for the client and develop their content creation strategies. Designing and Managing Blogs, Articles and online (website copy) Designing and Managing Podcasts Designing Value Memes + Dynamic Visual Aesthetics Photography, Graphic Design, Video, Audio Social Media Template Design Project Management Computer Administration Objective Implement full-suite of services to help regenerative nano influencers become impact storytellers. Manage accounts and help them grow.

Marketing Regeneration: Content Creation Services
Positions available: 8 REFUTURISTS is a start-up social purpose marketing agency dedicated to promoting regeneration. REFUTURISTS purpose is to curate regenerative influencers to advance their impact. REFUTURISTS will be the most trusted guide and curator (platform) for the emerging regenerative economy. REFUTURISTS focuses on the role of nano-influencers in social media to diffuse new ideas through novel content creation and trust-based relationships (word-of-mouth). Nano-influencers, content creators, follow a campaign brief and produce novel content to promote products and services to their networks. We help influencers tell their story to brand regeneration as aspirational ideal with mainstream culture. REFUTURIST Definition: A hero. A person dedicated to the flourishing of all life now and for the future. Any person using design science skills* to create businesses and ways of living that restore, revitalize and respect life and living systems. *Design Science skills reference an outgrowth from Buckminister Fuller's work and include, (among others), biomimicry, agroecology, green chemistry, futurism, commons, biophilia, sharing economy, experiential learning, design thinking, maker movement, holistic management, immersive media, crowdsourcing, appropriate technology et al. About Regeneration Regeneration is the step beyond sustainability. It is the emerging ethical trend at the intersection of Shared Values, benefit corporations / B Corps , social purpose entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. Companies and customers adopting regenerative values are driven by an understanding that the global economy must undergo rapid transformation to offset climate change and surpass the baseline goals set by the UN Agenda 2030 . The Doughnut Economy model developed by Economist Kate Raworth best describes the ethos of regenerative businesses. This project focuses on developing content creation services to support nano influencers. Designing and Managing Podcasts Designing and Managing Blogs, Articles and online (website copy) Designing Value Memes + Dynamic Visual Aesthetics Photography, Graphic Design, Video, Audio Social Media Template Design Objective To develop a full-suite of services to help regenerative nano influencers become impact storytellers. Develop REFUTURISTS business systems to support these services.

Marketing Regeneration: Social Media Campaign Management
Positions available: 8 REFUTURISTS is a start-up social purpose marketing agency dedicated to promoting regeneration. REFUTURISTS purpose is to curate regenerative influencers to advance their impact. REFUTURISTS will be the most trusted guide and curator (platform) for the emerging regenerative economy. REFUTURISTS focuses on the role of nano-influencers in social media to diffuse new ideas through novel content creation and trust-based relationships (word-of-mouth). Nano-influencers, content creators, follow a campaign brief and produce novel content to promote products and services to their networks. We help influencers tell their story to brand regeneration as aspirational ideal with mainstream culture. REFUTURIST Definition: A hero. A person dedicated to the flourishing of all life now and for the future. Any person using design science skills* to create businesses and ways of living that restore, revitalize and respect life and living systems. *Design Science skills reference an outgrowth from Buckminister Fuller's work and include, (among others), biomimicry, agroecology, green chemistry, futurism, commons, biophilia, sharing economy, experiential learning, design thinking, maker movement, holistic management, immersive media, crowdsourcing, appropriate technology et al. About Regeneration Regeneration is the step beyond sustainability. It is the emerging ethical trend at the intersection of Shared Values, benefit corporations / B Corps , social purpose entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. Companies and customers adopting regenerative values are driven by an understanding that the global economy must undergo rapid transformation to offset climate change and surpass the baseline goals set by the UN Agenda 2030 . The Doughnut Economy model developed by Economist Kate Raworth best describes the ethos of regenerative businesses. This project focuses on providing content creation services for nano influencer clients. You will work with nano influencer clients to develop customized content creation services to support their work. You will be the account representative for the client and develop their content creation strategies. Designing and Managing Blogs, Articles and online (website copy) Designing and Managing Podcasts Designing Value Memes + Dynamic Visual Aesthetics Photography, Graphic Design, Video, Audio Social Media Template Design Objective Implement full-suite of services to help regenerative nano influencers become impact storytellers. Manage accounts and help them grow.

Marketing Regeneration Using Social Media Platforms
Positions available: 4 RE:Futurists is a start-up marketing agency dedicated to promoting regenerative business practices. Regeneration is the step beyond sustainability. It is the emerging ethical trend at the intersection of Shared Values, benefit corporations / B Corps , social purpose entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. Companies and customers adopting regenerative values are driven by an understanding that the global economy must undergo rapid transformation to offset climate change and meet the Sustainable Development Goals . The Doughnut Economy model developed by Economist Kate Raworth best describes the ethos of regenerative businesses. RE:Futurists seeks to be the most trusted guide and curator (platform) for the emerging regenerative economy. Imagine a "Consumer Reports" of regeneration. Two important features differentiate RE:Futurists. 1) RE:Futurists has a proprietary vetting process for all clients. Businesses represented on our platform meet the highest standards of business practices, e.g., supply chains, manufacturing, raw materials, and human capital investments. 2) RE:Futurists’ core marketing methodology is a global community of nano-influencers. Nano-influencers, content creators, follow a campaign brief and produce novel content to promote products and services to their networks. This project will include: Competitor Analysis and Eco-Mapping . Research and identify marketing companies that specialize in promoting regenerative brands (including as a focus sustainable and B-Corp companies). Provide a summary (either 2-4 paragraphs / bullet points / SWOT) describing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to competition identified. Research existing 3rd party standards . Identify leading certificates and/or licenses currently available for companies asserting (regenerative) sustainability and related triple bottom line values. This is important to design our vetting process. What should the transparency standards for a regenerative business be? Evaluate and create marketing and digital content strategies. We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project including a preliminary list of 3rd party providers, (eg, B Lab ,) that we would like you to analyze. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of similar companies in the regenerative marketing space.

Refuturists - Growing a Regenerative Movement
Positions available: 4 Refuturists is growing a movement to promote regeneration. Regeneration is is the next sustainability - but more importantly, regeneration requires a transformation of our collective sense of identity in relationship to Nature. In the next ten years, humanity needs to utterly transform every part of our economy, society and cultural norms. Refuturists is a novel social enterprise focused on branding regeneration, regenerative mindsets and exploring the intersection between business innovation and how to align human activity within planetary boundaries. Refuturists is pursuing multiple strategies including online events, social marketing with influencers, and developing unique products using a regenerative systems mindset. This project will assist Refuturists in leading the organization's project management systems design. During the project time period, the student intern will develop and administer online project management tools (including a calendar), coordinate and oversee operational communications, conduct relevant research, and manage and oversee technical systems.

Marketing Regeneration: Nano-Influencer Analysis
RE:Futurists is a start-up marketing agency dedicated to promoting regenerative business practices. Regeneration is the step beyond sustainability. It is the emerging ethical trend at the intersection of Shared Values, benefit corporations / B Corps , social purpose entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. Companies and customers adopting regenerative values are driven by an understanding that the global economy must undergo rapid transformation to offset climate change and meet the Sustainable Development Goals . The Doughnut Economy model developed by Economist Kate Raworth best describes the ethos of regenerative businesses. RE:Futurists seeks to be the most trusted guide and curator (platform) for the emerging regenerative economy. Imagine a "Consumer Reports" of regeneration. Two important features differentiate RE:Futurists. 1) RE:Futurists has a proprietary vetting process for all clients. Businesses represented on our platform meet the highest standards of business practices, e.g., supply chains, manufacturing, raw materials, and human capital investments. 2) RE:Futurists’ core marketing methodology is a global community of nano-influencers. Nano-influencers, content creators, follow a campaign brief and produce novel content to promote products and services to their networks. This project will include: Develop a nano-influencer recruitment plan and business model . Our goal is to sustain engagement with 10% of the 1 billion Instagram user space. The recruitment plan needs to assume nano-influencers have 1,000-10,000 people in their networks. The project should include a launch action plan and a plan for sustained recruitment.How much should nano-influencers be paid? In addition to network size, what other requirements should we have to vet nano-influencers? Our operating assumption is that nano-influencers, content creators, should have to make 1 post and 1 story per campaign. Is that sufficient? Competitor Analysis . Research and identify marketing companies that specialize in promoting regenerative brands (including as a focus sustainable and B-Corp companies). Provide a summary (either 2-4 paragraphs / bullet points / SWOT) describing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to competition identified. Research existing 3rd party standards . Identify leading certificates and/or licenses currently available for companies asserting (regenerative) sustainability and related triple bottom line values. This is important to design our vetting process. What should the transparency standards for a regenerative business be? We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project including a preliminary list of 3rd party providers, (eg, B Lab ,) that we would like you to analyze. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to successfully engage nano-influencers in global marketing campaigns promoting the regenerative economy.

Competitive Analysis of Assessments + Certification in the Regenerative Economy
We are creating a new business that evaluates regenerative business practices in terms of the Doughnut Economy. Our goal is to become the most trusted platform for the emerging regenerative economy. Businesses represented on our platform will meet the highest standards of business practices, (eg, supply chains, manufacturing, raw materials and human capital investments,) products and services. To that end, we would like a comprehensive analysis of all existing 3rd party standards, certificates and/or licenses currently available for companies asserting (regenerative) sustainability and related triple bottom line values. This project will include: An identification of our current competitors An identification of potential future competitors, (eg, a large company in a similar industry who may enter the space) The creation of a matrix identifying features shared across these providers and those that are different. A summary of 2-4 paragraphs describing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to the competition identified. This could be done in the form of a SWOT analysis. We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project including a preliminary list of 3rd party providers, (eg, B Lab ,) that we would like you to analyze. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitors in our space and how we can differentiate ourselves through our product/service offering, and our messaging.