AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
Students are required to study and pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification. Please view the following link for details: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-cloud-practitioner. Students will be reimbursed for certification exam fees after passing the exam, after certification is registered under our partnership, and with a receipt. We will only reimburse one certification exam per student. We do not pay for failed exams or retakes. Students are expected to re-take failed certification exams at their expense. The following is required for this project. Registering under our AWS partnership Students must submit a date for taking their exam on the first day. Studying for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam Passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam Sending us the official receipt of the exam and other expenses if necessary After completion of all of the above tasks, we will email you documentation that all requirements have been met. This documentation will be used to complete the course in Riipen. Students must complete the project in Riipen by uploading this email and any attachments in the email as proof of completion.

CyberSecure Canada Certification Preparation
Cloud Solutions Zone is a cloud/information security consulting firm. The primary objective of this project is to empower SMBs across Canada to go for CyberSecure Canada certification program (https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/cybersecure-canada/en). Students will develop a comprehensive cybersecurity report, based on the requirements of CyberSecure Canada certification requirements. The report will provide actionable tips, tricks, and checklists to enhance the business's cyber resilience. This project aims not only to educate the SMB owners but also to enable students to apply their theoretical cybersecurity knowledge in a real-world context. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Define the primary components of an Incident Response Plan Recognize the necessary measures to secure websites Recognize the strategies to ensure secure mobile device connectivity Recall how to secure portable media Recognize the significance of strong user authentication Identify the best practices of data backup and encryption