Denver, Colorado, United States
Strategic Management and Planning Consultancy
MGT 4950
Sep 7, 2020
Dec 1, 2020
Student teams will conduct a complete strategic analysis of a company that is assigned to them by the instructor. The analysis will include a detailed analysis of the external environment as well as a review of the company’s internal operations. With the completion of the analysis teams will be able to provide the client with a comprehensive situational assessment as well as general recommendations for the management team to consider. If, as part of the strategic analysis, the client has targeted areas of the organization for more detailed review then teams will also provide specific recommendations. All students will be 4th year students who are completing this course as their final capstone project before graduation. Student teams will come from all degree programs offered at MSU Denver and will include students who have a major in Management, Marketing, Finance, CIS, Accounting and Economics.
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