Nature counter engineering
Nature counter engineering What is the main goal for this project? CrowdDoing has found small groups of trained professionals who know about specific nature benefits. There are people who have been trained in “Attention Restoration Theory”, “forest bathing”, “eco-therapy”, “nature deficit disorder reduction”, and other related terms. This has not be turned into a universal type of knowledge for any society to adopt in a modern context of majorities of the population living in cities and suburbs. CrowdDoing’s goal with Nature Counter is to create universal usable knowledge about what the benefits of nature dose are, how to access the benefits of nature dose and how to validate nature dose benefits for yourself.

Stock Exchange for Systems Change
Project Blackthorn, in collaboration with CrowdDoing- is a forthcoming exchange that aims to provide an arena in which companies, organizations, and funds that actively work to solve social or environmental issues can gain impact investors. These companies will be able to list their securities on the exchange and offer them to impact investors looking for opportunities to generate positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns.

Relational Capital by CrowdDoing
Relational Capital by CrowdDoing . Relational Capital will recruit uniquely skilled individuals who have pre-existing social capital with impact investors to become Relational Capital Fellows. Relational Capital Fellows work with our partnerships in investment banking to help introduce impact investors to the investment banks and the social innovation institutions for which they raise capital. As the investment bank and Relational Capital Fellows become effective strategic partners, the investment bank will provide funding for the Relational Capital Fellows to consult with our venture lab at CrowdDoing in building our other ventures in addition to Relational Capital. This work will not only benefit the venture lab but also build an ecosystem of allies that is synergistic with the investment bank's goals

CrowdDoing Operations
CrowdDoing.World Mission CrowdDoing.world believes in the exponential potential of global collaboration to de-risk and develop social innovations and leverage diverse capabilities to realize shared goals. CrowdDoing leverages multiple intervention points and under-utilized capacities to achieve operating leverage for systems change. CrowdDoing is able to achieve this kind of operating leverage for impact across our portfolio areas from homelessness prevention, prevention derivatives, health benefits from spending time in nature, medicinal foods for stress and anxiety, and preventing isolation as a side effect of virtual volunteerism. All of these are anticipatory solutions which allow people to get ahead of their risks of catastrophe. CrowdDoing leverages under-utilized capacities to make it feasible for our solutions to potentially reach the scale of the problems we face together.

Backcasting from a solar punk future using generative AI
CrowdDoing has launched an udemy course "Backcasting from a Solar Punk Future using Generative AI: Chat GPT, Global Wisdom, NovelAI, and Systems Change!". We have goals to improve the course further. We have thousands of students in the course currently. Welcome to our virtual course on Backcasting from a Solar Punk Future using Generative AI: Chat GPT, Global Wisdom, NovelAI, and Systems Change! Are you ready to co-create a hopeful and realistic vision for the world with the help of advanced artificial intelligence and global wisdom? Then this course is for you! Through this course, you will learn how to use backcasting as a powerful tool for planning and decision-making, leveraging the power of generative AI and chat GPT to explore what is possible and what is needed to achieve a solar punk future. You will also learn how to utilize the concept of ikigai to identify your perfect role in the world and how to use systems change to transform the systems and structures that shape our world

Nature Counter Engineering by CrowdDoing
CrowdDoing has found small groups of trained professionals who know about specific nature benefits. There are people who have been trained in “Attention Restoration Theory”, “forest bathing”, “eco-therapy”, “nature deficit disorder reduction”, and other related terms. This has not be turned into a universal type of knowledge for any society to adopt in a modern context of majorities of the population living in cities and suburbs. CrowdDoing’s goal with Nature Counter is to create universal usable knowledge about what the benefits of nature dose are, how to access the benefits of nature dose and how to validate nature dose benefits for yourself. CrowdDoing.world, https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/74278432/ Our nature counter application gets people an expectation of benefit proportionately. We have a partially finished android and iphone app in gitab aiming at an MVP, and plans for a V2 partially developed. The app is not on the market yet.

Medicinal Foods and Herbs for Stress and Anxiety at CrowdDoing
Mission Statement: CrowdDoing.world's Foods.& Herbs for Stress,Sleep & Anxiety Initiative aims to give people agency by educating people about their options with regards to their natural remedies for these aspects of their mental health. We do so by analyzing scientific research and clinical evidence, gathering new evidence through data science and citizen science, and recommending to individuals optimal combinations of teas, tinctures, and powders that can be used to achieve each individual's mental health goals. We conduct this research with the goal of allowing people to make informed decisions about their health and to increase access to healthy stress-coping alternatives. These healthy coping mechanisms can reduce reliance on harmful self-medication practices such as alcohol abuse or behavior likely to lead to opioid addiction.

Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Scenario Planning Santa Clara county-CrowdDoing
Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Scenario Planning Santa Clara county-CrowdDoing Catastrophic Wildfire Net Risk Reduction Strategy for Systems Change Smoke from catastrophic wildfires has been rising as a primary peril for people in the bay area. Strategically, our aim is to help the community of the bay area to diversify their portfolio of approaches to achieve net risk reduction of catastrophic wildfires and the air pollution associated with them. These approaches include: (1) drought reduction. (2) fuel load reduction. (3) ignition reduction. (4) early detection and early intervention. These risk reduction approaches are designed to harness under-utilized opportunities to prevent wildfires from starting in the first place, and to slow fires that do start so they can be stopped before they spread exponentially.

Homelessness Prevention - Zero Subsidy Affordable Housing by CrowdDoing
Zero Subsidy Affordable Housing homelessness prevention. Zero Subsidy Affordable Housing (ZSAH) is based on the idea that if people could buy only a percentage of the appreciation value that they can afford, and still secure stable access to a home, up to half of homelessness in dense urban regions could be prevented. Home buyers today buy 100% of a home at the time of purchase, and borrow money through a mortgage to be able to afford to do so. But this purchase masks the fact that they are buying two things at the same time- 100% of the future sale price of a home (so-called appreciation value), and 100% of the usage rights of that home while they are living there (so-called use value). If people could buy only the percentage of appreciation value that they can afford, and still secure stable access to a home, half of homelessness, half of housing insecurity, half of super-commuting in dense, coastal urban regions such as the Bay Area, New York, Seattle could be prevented.

Strategic talent acquisition channel development
Strategic talent acquisition channel development for CrowdDoing. We've identified 1500 candidate channels and need a formal process to better manage current channels and new channels- . https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Glpc6h2gFve7bVR1VCLqmwj6vBrg_GyBJE1i3gO8ZEE/edit?usp=sharing. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1byLr1oqvaC0-enQIs60ZyujjGH61ZuBThzyyxCnno9Y/edit?usp=sharing. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FFxwr5qzmc8vmDO-pHNr_IGGa7X5ECWKF07zVmT4lic/edit?usp=sharing. What we post, where we post, where we could post. ' What CrowdDoing works in sustainability, anti-poverty, public health, education, and research. We aim to address UN Sustainable Development Goals and beyond through our social innovation efforts.

Future of knowledge (Implicit Marginalia) by CrowdDoing
Implicit Marginalia by CrowdDoing Implicit Marginalia is an approach to the future of reading that was invented and developed by Reframe It (relevant patents issued to Reframe It as US2011/0252052A1 & US7801951 B2). It is an automated, patented method for annotating any given sentence, phrase or passage in a text with comments made about that sentence, phrase or passage in a vast body of later literature (over any specified period of time), prioritized according to the user’s preferences. Every time a sentence, phrase or passage from a particular text is quoted or cited in a later text, a clip from the later text is turned into a comment inserted in the earlier text immediately next to the passage being quoted or cited. The commentaries generated by Implicit Marginalia reveal what various communities of readers have taken from any given sentence, phrase or passage over time, the uses they have made of it, and the implications they have drawn. Whenever the reader chooses to pause and ponder the meanings or resonances of any sentence, phrase or passage he or she has just read, commentary reflecting how others have interpreted or used that sentence, phrase or passage will be immediately at hand, in the book’s margin or digital margin. This process is fundamental inter-disciplinary science but it needs more market research for each use case to be piloted and to mature. The result is more than a fundamentally different way to read: it is also a fundamentally different way to monetize hundreds of titles in a publisher’s backlist. Reframe It’s patented method for culling Implicit Marginalia from both proprietary and public-domain works would allow a publisher to reissue new electronic editions of all of the titles on their backlist that have elicited substantial commentary over time. The new electronic editions, annotated with as many as tens of thousands of paragraphs from tens of thousands of other books, would be sought after by students, teachers, and anyone deeply engaged by the text. Consider that most annotated editions today bring a handful of texts into the conversation on any given page. Implicit Marginalia would allow any given sentence, phrase or passage in the book to be informed by hundreds of sources in which it was cited, quoted or discussed. Automated mechanisms to gather and prioritize the marginalia can be developed (sorting comments by their date, by the kinds of publications in which they appeared, etc.) along with crowdsourced mechanisms for social prioritization, and curated methods that prioritize comments from well-known respected sources and experts. Application: Book Advertising and Sales Implicit Marginalia can also directly drive book sales. Some readers might be interested in purchasing the books from which the Implicit Marginalia in the book at hand are culled. Many of the Implicit Marginalia comments can end with affiliate links to booksellers offering to sell the book from which that comment was drawn. Since a single electronic edition might quote from 10,000 later books, and perhaps 1000 of those comments would be attached to bookseller affiliate links, the potential revenue sources could add up. (Partnering with a publisher could create further opportunities for contextual advertising inside of books based on links to buy other books in the publisher's backlist that have quoted the book being read.) Copyright and Source Material Issues: The quotes used in Implicit Marginalia can come both from within copyrighted properties and also from public-domain texts. . The copyrighted material can be quoted within the parameters of fair use. But the arrangement of fair-use gathered quotes from many sources is itself a copyrightable arrangement of information. This means that Implicit Marginalia can mine new value from existing content.

Implicit Marginalia by CrowdDoing
Implicit Marginalia Implicit Marginalia is an approach to the future of reading that was invented and developed by Reframe It (relevant patents issued to Reframe It as US2011/0252052A1 & US7801951 B2). It is an automated, patented method for annotating any given sentence, phrase or passage in a text with comments made about that sentence, phrase or passage in a vast body of later literature (over any specified period of time), prioritized according to the user’s preferences. Every time a sentence, phrase or passage from a particular text is quoted or cited in a later text, a clip from the later text is turned into a comment inserted in the earlier text immediately next to the passage being quoted or cited. The commentaries generated by Implicit Marginalia reveal what various communities of readers have taken from any given sentence, phrase or passage over time, the uses they have made of it, and the implications they have drawn. Whenever the reader chooses to pause and ponder the meanings or resonances of any sentence, phrase or passage he or she has just read, commentary reflecting how others have interpreted or used that sentence, phrase or passage will be immediately at hand, in the book’s margin or digital margin. This process is fundamental inter-disciplinary science but it needs more market research for each use case to be piloted and to mature. The result is more than a fundamentally different way to read: it is also a fundamentally different way to monetize hundreds of titles in a publisher’s backlist. Reframe It’s patented method for culling Implicit Marginalia from both proprietary and public-domain works would allow a publisher to reissue new electronic editions of all of the titles on their backlist that have elicited substantial commentary over time. The new electronic editions, annotated with as many as tens of thousands of paragraphs from tens of thousands of other books, would be sought after by students, teachers, and anyone deeply engaged by the text. Consider that most annotated editions today bring a handful of texts into the conversation on any given page. Implicit Marginalia would allow any given sentence, phrase or passage in the book to be informed by hundreds of sources in which it was cited, quoted or discussed. Automated mechanisms to gather and prioritize the marginalia can be developed (sorting comments by their date, by the kinds of publications in which they appeared, etc.) along with crowdsourced mechanisms for social prioritization, and curated methods that prioritize comments from well-known respected sources and experts. Application: Book Advertising and Sales Implicit Marginalia can also directly drive book sales. Some readers might be interested in purchasing the books from which the Implicit Marginalia in the book at hand are culled. Many of the Implicit Marginalia comments can end with affiliate links to booksellers offering to sell the book from which that comment was drawn. Since a single electronic edition might quote from 10,000 later books, and perhaps 1000 of those comments would be attached to bookseller affiliate links, the potential revenue sources could add up. (Partnering with a publisher could create further opportunities for contextual advertising inside of books based on links to buy other books in the publisher's backlist that have quoted the book being read.) Copyright and Source Material Issues: The quotes used in Implicit Marginalia can come both from within copyrighted properties and also from public-domain texts. . The copyrighted material can be quoted within the parameters of fair use. But the arrangement of fair-use gathered quotes from many sources is itself a copyrightable arrangement of information. This means that Implicit Marginalia can mine new value from existing content.

Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention by CrowdDoing
CrowdDoing is a joint initiative of Reframe It Inc. and Match4Action Foundation that is focused on helping address the UN Sustainable Development Goals and beyond through micro-leadership, massively multi-disciplinary collaboration, and service learning to support social innovation and social enterprise to achieve systemic change. We offer a platform for individuals to connect and collaborate toward creating systemic change. We would love for you to join the team! What makes us different? CrowdDoing aims to support social innovations with transformative impact potential through global multi-disciplinary volunteering, micro-leadership and service learning. We work through operating leverage for systems change to achieve collective agency. We orient to ikigai and self-determination theory in order to help each person have the perfect role. PROJECT SCOPE Financing positive risk with passive risk:Prevention derivatives is driven by the thesis that there is an under-valuation of passive risk (or the cost of inaction) and an under-prioritization of positive risk. Correspondingly for wildfires as an example, there is an under-recognition of the potential shared value upside of preventative action through social innovation and social interventions (such as goats & sheep that prevent wildfires). CrowdDoing.world's aim is to guarantee positive risk through leveraging existing liabilities to allow for the implications of prescriptive analytics to be financed. The under-pricing of passive risk means that liabilities are treated as either costs of doing business or un-predictable risks even for entirely preventable risks. Risk management offices have been too biased towards avoiding taking the wrong risks rather than ensuring that institutions make their own luck by seizing the abundant positive risk opportunities in social innovation. Meanwhile, the bias against positive risk leaves social innovations not to get adopted even if there would be remarkable benefits to all stakeholders if they were adopted. Part of this project is building a simulation wildfire prevention, goats and sheep for wildfire prevention game, beavers for drought prevention.

Nature Counter Engineering by CrowdDoing
CrowdDoing has found small groups of trained professionals who know about specific nature benefits. There are people who have been trained in “Attention Restoration Theory”, “forest bathing”, “eco-therapy”, “nature deficit disorder reduction”, and other related terms. This has not be turned into a universal type of knowledge for any society to adopt in a modern context of majorities of the population living in cities and suburbs. CrowdDoing’s goal with Nature Counter is to create universal usable knowledge about what the benefits of nature dose are, how to access the benefits of nature dose and how to validate nature dose benefits for yourself. CrowdDoing.world, https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/74278432/ Our nature counter application gets people an expectation of benefit proportionately. We have a partially finished android and iphone app in gitab aiming at an MVP, and plans for a V2 partially developed. The app is not on the market yet. People who live in cities and the communities that connect them can achieve goals through increasing their nature dose. Exercise may have an obvious connection to health but the fact that people sitting on a park bench are experiencing a scientifically established public health benefit is not universally understood. Scientists have been explaining this to other researchers but it hasn’t become universal knowledge any country in the world. 13. 1. React native (front end) - Mobile and Android app/iOS app development 14. 2. Redux 15. - Mobile and Android app/iOS app development 16. - saving all the local data in Redux (local storage) 17. - for state management 18. - for example, articles fetched from DB can be accessed in other pages by saving the state in Redux 19. 3. Mongo DB and nodeJS and mongoose (for making connections between Mongo DB and nodeJS) - for backend 20. Geo-fencing “React Native, Google Maps, or the API geofencing call. “ advisor Ben on geo-fencing 21. Languages required- React native, redux, nodejs, mongodb Gitlab, slack 21.2. 1.0 is not complete. 2.0 is the main version that needs lots of help for schools to use, companies to use, health insurers to use, game companies to use etc. 22.2. Individuals and organizations can get the level of mental health, physical health and performance benefits they seek. The aim is to quantify the dose of nature benefits required to achieve individual and collective goals. 22.3. Key Features (functions/performance it must perform/provide) Nature dose validation through GPS of time in park Nature dose validation from user input of symptoms Nature dose validation and estimation from literature review and meta analysis of benefits Nature dose education Nature dose habit building Nature dose social use case for families and companies and communities. 22.4. Specification (if known) 22.4.1. Platform (i.e. Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix): 23. Languages required- React native, redux, nodejs, mongodb Nature Counter API- Nature Counter individuals can aggregate data to a family, company, college, or other affiliation group through Nature Counter API. Currently below modules are working fine: · Goal Setting, · Article · Daily Log Symptoms · Daily Manual / timer time entry Nature Counter Project installation document. Nature Counter Installation Process- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QnDIU3AVPV7qCPQDnw7x7a2urwdhOpwq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103143249500573981174&rtpof=true&sd=true User Profile, Goal history and user benefit section is missing. Currently we are working on benefits section as data is placeholder data. Non-placeholder data- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k-bZtWg2NnlVeVaFkIYqWpqz4v7uAY5PNjnlLy6tOvY/edit?usp=sharing We started with firebase but may need an alternative for larger usage Mainly iphone, android, apple watch, desktop use case is more moodle and growth hackng at the beginning Languages required- React native, redux, nodejs, mongodb, gitlab, slack

Micro-leadership for service learning for systems change training
Micro-leadership for service learning for systems change training: We need to extend https://real-leaders.com/leveraging-micro-leadership-to-make-aspirational-goals-achievable/ and https://learn.crowddoing.world/, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhdB2YJ8Ocs&app=desktop. Develop a micro-leadership training for university students to understand micro-leadership if they help CrowdDoing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhdB2YJ8Ocs&app=desktop You can see our micro-leadership CrowdDoing.world article pasted in below- One of the most important issues facing institutions and organizations today is a shortage of people with leadership skills, experience, and capabilities . The problem is two-fold: too many leadership roles are too big for any one person to reasonably take on, leading to excessive levels of burnout among leaders we do have; in addition, there are too few leaders in the talent pipeline. At CrowdDoing we are piloting solutions to both dimensions of this problem. For a mission-driven organization, concentrating and centralizing responsibility for the entity’s success or failure in one macro leader—be that person a CEO, President, Executive Director, or Founder—is a system that will overwhelm that macro leader by design. But an organization can also succeed when many individuals in it each adopt a dimension of responsibility for an aspect of the challenges it faces. This kind of micro leadership is fostered by CrowdDoing . It strengthens the talent pipeline by providing a diversity of individuals access to leadership skills and experience. Macro leaders who are supported by organized constellations of micro-leaders share the creative responsibility for the success of their organization in a way that reduces stress and lightens the burden for all involved. We live in a world in which 193 countries agreed to collaborate with all stakeholders to achieve Sustainable Development Goals: to enhance public health, prevent poverty, increase environmental sustainability etc. by 2030. So far the world is not yet on track for achieving these goals by the deadline. In order for these goals to become feasible, collaboration around social innovation will need to scale markedly. Each individual mission-driven organization almost always has aspirational goals that are far greater in scale than its means. Micro-leadership can make up the difference. CrowdDoing aspires to achieve systemic change by deploying under-utilized capacities to increase the density of social innovations relevant to solving a particular societal challenge. Leverage for impact requires finding and applying resources that are not currently deployed in a way that addresses societal challenges. CrowdDoing applies micro leadership to disparate collective challenges. These have included, for example, the following: Researching biophilia cost-benefits in cities to make it feasible to finance plants ; improving collective knowledge of the relative efficacy of combinations of foods that can help alleviate prevent and stress, insomnia, and anxiety ; and evaluating blockchain mechanisms for addressing Sustainable Development Goals . One completed case study that CrowdDoing conducted was the first impact assessment of a mini-IPO by a social enterprise on Nasdaq . Micro leadership has a history which has been confined to a particular field: open source software has historically leveraged micro leadership among computer scientists to build operating systems such as Linux. CrowdDoing learns from what the open source community has long known about the potential efficacy of micro-leadership. But micro leadership has not been extended to multi-disciplinary collaboration. ...

Nature Counter by CrowdDoing
Any country can embrace a national strategy of getting its people and institutions enough time in nature for the community to thrive. This has economic dividends, social capital dividends, mental health health dividends and physical health cost savings. CrowdDoing has found small groups of trained professionals who know about specific nature benefits. There are people who have been trained in “Attention Restoration Theory”, “forest bathing”, “eco-therapy”, “nature deficit disorder reduction”, and other related terms. This has not be turned into a universal type of knowledge for any society to adopt in a modern context of majorities of the population living in cities and suburbs. There are examples of elements of biophelia as strategy, Singapore’s Airport, Milan’s Bosco Verticale. But the parks themselves are under-utilized globally by populations compared to their impact potential in cities. CrowdDoing’s goal with Nature Counter is to create universal usable knowledge about what the benefits of nature dose are, how to access the benefits of nature dose and how to validate nature dose benefits for yourself. A world with more advanced processes to support nature dose could be more convivial, more resilient, have greater neuro-plasticity and would have faster learners and greater upward mobility among a plethora of benefits. Process for Service Learning Collaboration: 1. Adopt a benefit. Such as "self-esteem" Students will identify one social impact benefit from lists of benefits, List of benefits: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270578344_Exploring_Connections_Among_Nature_Biodiversity_Ecosystem_Services_and_Human_Health_and_Well-Being_Opportunities_to_Enhance_Health_and_Biodiversity_Conservation We also have spreadsheets with more benefits if students wish -see attached. 2. Adopt a use case for network effects of nature use, such as a company's employees, a university's students, a school's PTA, a band's fans etc. A network effect use case is one in which each individual separately gets nature immersion and there are extra collective benefits from the side-effects of the whole community interacting differently. 3. Develop scenarios for that stakeholder or group use case to gain the benefits. 4. Develop pitch materials or this use case 5. Develop research for this use case 6. Develop a roadmap for this use case from your own creative perspective based on what it would mean for that benefit to be achieved by a group of people as a whole.

Medicinal Foods and Herbs for Stress and Anxiety at CrowdDoing
Mission Statement: CrowdDoing.world's Foods.& Herbs for Stress,Sleep & Anxiety Initiative aims to give people agency by educating people about their options with regards to their natural remedies for these aspects of their mental health. We do so by analyzing scientific research and clinical evidence, gathering new evidence through data science and citizen science, and recommending to individuals optimal combinations of teas, tinctures, and powders that can be used to achieve each individual's mental health goals. We conduct this research with the goal of allowing people to make informed decisions about their health and to increase access to healthy stress-coping alternatives. These healthy coping mechanisms can reduce reliance on harmful self-medication practices such as alcohol abuse or behavior likely to lead to opioid addiction. Value Proposition: Tinctures, teas and powders from herbal medicine combinations can represent better risk/reward ratios Through citizen science and data science over time we have the aspirational goal to meet and exceed evidence parity with regards to evidence of effectiveness for herbal medicines for stress & anxiety compared with pharmaceuticals. That mission is attractive for people to participate in as its an opportunity for global collaboration to create increasingly usable natural medicine for stress and anxiety. Each person can go upstream of their mental health challenges and adopt healthier coping mechanisms. Purpose Statement/Goals This collaboration allows the Medicinal Food & Herbs team of CrowdDoing to apply the information gained from research of medicinal herbs and ingredients in order to serve a population with “significantly under-diagnosed and undiagnosed” stress and anxiety. Also, through this collaboration, Farmacy Food will be able to make and sell items made from ingredients with evidence of positive health benefits. Assumptions regarding the data, population, and ingredients can be found in the other document. The goal is for CrowdDoing to collect feedback information, which can be beneficial for further research, analysis and testing. Other goals include medicinal food literacy for participants. This research aims to establish clinical evidence of effectiveness and prove that herbs can be taken as medical intervention at scale to address stress and anxiety. Pilot Area Overview Farmacy Food will partner with CrowdDoing in a subsection of their menu. CrowdDoing will plan recipes for drinks, like mocktails, and meals that can fulfill the dosage requirements necessary for positive health benefits provided by the research on different combinations of ingredients. These combinations of ingredients include the following: L-arginine, Lysine, Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Turmeric, Valerian, Rhodiola, Passionflower, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Gotu Kola. The team will research components of the ingredients such as recommended daily intake (RDI) for L-arginine and Lysine, dosages necessary for effectiveness for the medicinal herbs, side effects, and conditions that may be addressed after consuming the ingredient. Scales that may be used to analyze the stress and anxiety include Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) scores, Hamilton Anxiety score, and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Score (DASS). Both teams have specific concerns about the use of the ingredients. For example, CrowdDoing is mainly concerned about ensuring the recipes have a recommended dose of ingredients necessary for effectiveness. Also, Farmacy Food has concerns about using the ingredients in a culturally appropriate manner and the prices of the ingredients. When a general agreement is met concerning these concerns, both teams will give a mutual green light for the ingredient analysis and recipes. Ultimately, the chef of Farmacy Food decides which recipes to put on the menu. Once the recipe is approved for the menu, customers will be provided with a questionnaire to give feedback regarding the effects of the recipes on their health.

Financing Positive Risk with Passive Risk
Financing positive risk with passive risk:Prevention derivatives is driven by the thesis that there is an under-valuation of passive risk (or the cost of inaction) and an under-prioritization of positive risk. Correspondingly for wildfires as an example, there is an under-recognition of the potential shared value upside of preventative action through social innovation and social interventions (such as goats & sheep that prevent wildfires). CrowdDoing.world's aim is to guarantee positive risk through leveraging existing liabilities to allow for the implications of prescriptive analytics to be financed. The under-pricing of passive risk means that liabilities are treated as either costs of doing business or un-predictable risks even for entirely preventable risks. Risk management offices have been too biased towards avoiding taking the wrong risks rather than ensuring that institutions make their own luck by seizing the abundant positive risk opportunities in social innovation. Meanwhile, the bias against positive risk leaves social innovations not to get adopted even if there would be remarkable benefits to all stakeholders if they were adopted. Part of this project is building a simulation wildfire prevention, goats and sheep for wildfire prevention game, beavers for drought prevention.