Face and Voice Emotions Artificial Intelligence Analytics
In order to help us develop our own engines to analyze Facial emotion and voice emotions using AI, we request for staff with experience /preparation in the following areas and skills: MACHINE LEARNING / COMPUTER VISION DeepLearning using TensorFlow Image recognition and processing Natural Language Processing Predictive Modelling PROGRAMMING Experience developing on Python. Experience developing server-side microservices. Basic Skills with PHP / MySQL (production framework) OUR OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTS: Develop custom AI Algorithms capable to recognize and classify human emotions based on multimedia (video or audio sample), and retrieve a second-by-second analysis with the most predominant emotion and its intensity. Develop microservices that can quickly and effectively request emotion analysis using above AI Algorithm, and retrieve accurate results in form of data arrays. Explore additional implementations of AI Algorithms to analyze human behavior (emotions, non-verbal language, vocabulary, etc) over daily working scenarios like sales meetings, staff training, and any other situations that can be used to learn new skills.