Atharv Atharv
Atharv Atharv

I have a solid foundation in full-stack web and mobile app development, coupled with hands-on experience in utilizing cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter, and backend frameworks like Express.js (Node), SpringBoot (Java) and DropWizard (Kotlin).

Cloud technologies Website development Mobile app development Software development


Design tool 1 Innovation 1 Research 1 User experience (ux) 1 User interface prototyping 1



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Recent projects

Work experience

Full-stack Developer
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
February 2023 - October 2023

Full-stack developer working on Amagi Planner - A web app built on React facilitating linear TV scheduling.

Key responsibilities and tasks:
● Architected and implemented a system for continuous updates to the planner feed by integrating Lambda, SQS and AppSync through AWS CDK.
● Established server-side rendering framework to create downloadable UI components.
● Optimized and refactored scheduling logic to reduce scheduling time by 70%.
● End to end ownership of Frontend, Backend and Database development.

Stack used:
● Backend - Node.js, Apollo GraphQL, Serverless Framework, TypeScript
● Frontend - React.js, AWS Amplify, PubNub
● Database - PostgreSQL, AWS DynamoDB, Hasura
● Deployments - Github Actions, Docker, AWS Lambda

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
July 2021 - September 2022

Contributed to the Credit team at, India's largest B2B e-commerce startup and managed the entire loan lifecycle, encompassing Selection, Application, Documentation, Risk Analytics, Onboarding, Activation, Drawdown, Repayments, and Limit Enhancements.

Key responsibilities and tasks:
● Developed and maintained integrations with the warehouse team to automate loan disbursals upon goods IRN.
● Designed and implemented data pipelines for uploading KYC data of over 100,000 existing customers to the Government's CKYC portal, complying with RBI regulations.
● Created internal consoles for the Operations team to facilitate bulk disbursals to Udaan's sister entities (Granary, Stacktrail).

Stack used:
● Backend - Kotlin/Java (DropWizard) + Python services (Document Processing and Machine Learning)
● Frontend - React.js/React Native
● Database - Azure SQL, CosmosDB, Redis
● Deployments - Github Actions, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Azure Cloud Services

Flutter Development Intern
Gurugram, Haryana, India
March 2021 - April 2021

● Interned as a flutter developer at SalaryBox, an app for employee salary and attendance management.
● Ported the existing Native Android app in Flutter from scratch.
● Deployed the iOS app to the App Store.
Stack used: Flutter, Xcode