Health and Social Care in Applied and Clinical Workplaces

London Metropolitan University
London, England, United Kingdom
She / They
Employer Engagement Administrator
3/10 project matches
Dates set by projects
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Workplace culture Humanities Education Social sciences Scientific research
child welfare advocacy health promotion clinical research community health training and development health administration management elderly care teaching
Learner goals and capabilities

Second year students at London Metropolitan University will work with your organization to complete projects related to their studies in Health and Social Care, and can range from clinical research to applied health and social care in a variety of workplaces. Students in this program are looking for projects that should increase their understanding of health and social care in a work context. Because Health and Social Care graduates go into many different areas, it is very flexible.The career development learning and work based learning programs involve pairing an undergraduate placement student with a host organisation, under the supervision of a mentor from that organisation.

Students will select their final choices for which company to work with, and will submit an application. You will be able to accept or decline the student's application to work with you. Please note that matching does not guarantee that a student will work with your company, and final selections will be made starting in January of 2024.

Students will complete a project for your organization over the placement period. We suggest providing a starting project, but as the placement goes on there may be other duties or projects the student is asked to complete as well. Providing a central project creates structure for the placement, and gives the student (and company) a tangible goal.

Students are required to complete 40 hours of placement between January and April (the actual schedule will be determined between you and the student).

Students have a thorough understanding of the core areas in Health and Social care (health promotion and education, community health, policy and advocacy, mental healthcare, elderly care, child welfare, disability support, healthcare administration and management and effective delivery of health and social care services). 


Any level
27 learners
40 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Individual projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The specific deliverables will align with your business needs and can include:

  • a summary/review of literature
  • a training and development plan
  • an infographic
  • a teaching resource
  • recommendations on how to improve a process

Project Examples


Students are capable of a variety of activities and can complete tasks such as:

  • survey design
  • assisting with clinical research
  • creating educational materials for health promotion
  • developing a public health campaign
  • writing informational materials including blog posts
  • organising events
  • creating outreach materials
  • contributing to business plans
  • creating a social media campaign to increase awareness of your organisation or product
  • testing products or service in the design phase
  • client and service users survey
  • data analysis
  • literature reviews and report writing

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q1 - Checkbox
  • Q2 - Text short
    How many students do you have the capacity to work with?