Right to Disconnect Solution For Public and Private Sector Corporations
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Details of Kiosk Model : Benchmark RTD Industry Best Practice from Australia State status of RTD Bill as of Date in State of CA Define, Identify & Quantify Gaps for Private & Public Sectors Using Data Devise Algorithms based on Operational Excellence to Overcome Gaps on RTD Simulate Algorithm for Public & Private Sector Environments on Productivity Losses Design, Develop & Test OSSS Algorithm to Suite OSSS Platform Engagement OSSS Platform Developed & Tested For Robustness in Public & Private Sectors OSSS Platform Deployment Planning for Seamless RTD Transition End Game: Payoff Model RTD Bill Passage

AI Based Pharmacy Kiosk Operational Excellence
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Details of Kiosk Model : Kiosk Model of Distributing vs Dispensing. Lead Time for Patient Triggers Kiosk to Initiate Packaging by Distributor/Warehouse. Alerts sent to Patient, Doctor to Authenticate, Collection of Meds on Permitted Date. Verification of Patient Pick Up Date executed ahead of pick up date. Patient authenticates transaction while arriving at window of Kiosk. Patient verifies transactional accuracy and precision via Kiosk system. Patient authorizes pertinent documentation for shipment acceptance. Kiosk closes transaction and sends relays information to warehouse. Warehouse-Kiosk Logistics stays unchanged similar to existing setup. Kiosk management optimizes supplies via FIFO to accommodate Meds expiry date. Operational Logistics incentivizes Patient through loyalty and membership services. Higher type of Meds transacted influences service levels and membership fees. Patients receive transaction rebates at participating retail stores. Kiosk App integrates with Patient GPS to match Kiosk arrival and Meds Pick up Time. Kiosk App activates transaction to render patient convenience, safety and security. Kiosk infrastructure setup benchmarks industry best practices (ATM Model). Stratify Patient demographics by convenience based on multiple choices. Nature of Meds dispensed dictates priority for Patient pick up and convenience. A 100 % rating of Patient Kiosk Service and Performance is designed by default.

Sales and Marketing of Mentorship Products and Services
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Educators are Encouraged to View this Video Via Access Provided by Industry Partner Listing All Go-to-Market Products and Services of Business Quantifying Gaps In Business for Go-To-Market Products and Services Charting Scope, Deliverables and Outcomes from Technology Platform Designing Scope and Functionalities of Desired Technology Platform Sourcing Technology Platforms for Business Goals & Objectives (AWS to Others) Assessing Other Options -> a: Access IT Department within Institution; b: Alternate resources such as Online Freelancing Platform (s) Launching Platform to Sell Products and Services online End Game: Sales Revenue for MGBS via E_Commerce

Linking LFT, Ultrasonography, Sugar Levels, for Diabetic Patients
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope: Monitoring BS Levels on a daily basis Associating WC Measurements With BS Levels Tracking HU Wave profiles on a pre-determined periodic basis Correlating HU Wave profiles with WC Measurements Correlating BS levels with US Graphs to understand earliest time for desirable change Correlating HU, BS Levels to LFT (AST, ALT) Outputs past 90 Days. Determining Patient threshold days to sustain dietary habits. Incorporating Potential for AI Based Assessment Between Measurement Systems. Designing and Developing an App based on AI Methodology LFT - Liver Function Test; HU - Hepatic Ultrasonography, BS - Blood Sugar and WC - Waist Circumference, AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase, ALT - Alanine Amino Transferase

Methodology to Increase Approvals of Grants in Private and Public Sectors
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Methodology to Increase Probability of Approvals of Grants in Private and Public Sectors Baselining Status of Grant Writing, Submitting and Approving Quantifying Risk of Grant Rejection and/orĀ Probability of Approval Quantifying avoidable risks with Grant Writing to Meet and/or Exceed Standards Animating risks associated in conventional Grant Writing to Approving Process Creating a Tool to enable Grant Writers to Follow a Standard Methodology Design an App Tool for Writing Grants for approval in private and public sectors Testing the App Solution for Grant Writing to Sponsors in public and private sectors End Game: Minimization of Resources, Efforts and Time to Draft a Grant Proposal resulting in the highest chances of gaining approval

Cybersecurity Excellence Solutions for WiFi Router Security Systems
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope : Researching Router Systems in small, medium & large business environments. ļ»æWriting a short report of general awareness on Hacker Risk to Router Systems. Extracting quantitative & qualitative data on Router System Security for awareness. Interpreting Data on Router System Security for a risk-minimization action plan. Minimizing Access to Scammers of Home Security Systems Via IoT. Charting a design QR Code commercial plan identifying Cybersecurity Solutions. Budgeting for QR Code work related to potential solutions, including maintenance.

Alumnus-Junior Engagement For Career Transitioning Excellence
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Choosing mentors to optimize LI profiles for Student Candidates (SCs) Enrolling SCs into the Process/Product to begin optimizing their LI profiles Implementing LI profile Optimization from their UG Freshman to Senior years Creating a relationship between SCs & Alumnus to enable referrals from latter Providing SCs referrals at their employers an/or outside within their Employer network Reaching out to SCs by Recruiters via pull with Employers Registering SCs to file ATS with relevant Employers Screening for pre-final interviews with Employers Interviewing at pre-final stage for SCs completed Succeeding at final Interviews for SCs with Employers

Data Science and Analytics For Publisher Excellence
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Leverage Existing Models For Publishing Excellence Comparing Options Via Pugh Matrix for Authors's Choice to Publish. Modelling parameters leading to best choice of Publisher. Creating Author's Roadmap for Publishing Excellence. Identifying, Quantifying and Mitigating Risks With Choice of Publisher

Physician Drug Prescription to Pharmacy Dispensing Excellence
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : => Baselining 3Ds* process of physician drug prescription to collecting at pharmacy => Mapping Process of Physician Drug Prescription to Patient Collection => Analyzing 3Ds in current process of physician drug prescription to collecting at pharmacy => Mapping of Mistake Proofed Process of Physician Drug Prescription to Patient Collection => Simulation of Engineered Mistake Proofing Systems to ensure zero 3Ds => Testing Engineered Mistake Proofing Systems to ensure zero 3Ds => Engineering a Mistake Proofing of physician drug prescription to collecting at pharmacy *3Ds => Defects, Delays and Deviations - End Game => Engineering Proof System to prevent: a => Errors in Dosage b => Errors in Count c => Deviation from Prescription d => Delay in Sustenance of Patient's Drug Needs e => Avoidable Emergency Treatment f => Risk of Avoidable Fatalities g => Variation Dispensing of Standard versus Controlled Drugs h => Risk to Vulnerable Family Members

Money Management for Rural and Sub Urban Families
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope : Providing a baseline to indicate status - Surplus or Deficit Setting timely targets to achieve surplus accounts & Zero Unacceptable Debts Ensuring ability to pay off expenses at month end. Avoiding accounts going into deficit mode Taking steps to achieve all accounts are in surplus mode Quantifying behaviors, contributing to predictable surplus accounts Designing an income-expense formula anticipating surplus account at month end Testing formula of income-expense over multiple candidates and/or via simulation

Lab Anywhere - A Carbon Footprint Reduction Laboratory Strategy in Academia
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : Assessing existing laboratory infrastructure for baseline efficiency and effectiveness. Designing & Developing a Prototype to conduct experiments encompassing principles of Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil & Aerospace Engineering. Reducing Carbon Footprint associated with laboratory experimentation. Modeling influential parameters in the energy transfer process. Formulating a Green Kit for simplicity, portability, variability, feasibility, reusability, recyclability & universality.

Remote Sensor to Optimize Domestic Water Consumption
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Baselining current consumption of water in residential daily shower use Mapping sequential build up of carbon FootPrint with incoming and outgoing water Quantifying avoidable consumption of water (in all areas such as: Bathing, Cooking, Toilet (Temperature Sensor ), Gardening & Washing) Animating (via Powerpoint) build up process of Carbon Footprint associated with residential Water consumption Animating the "Would-Be" process to demonstrate benefits of the new and improved system Designing and Developing an App to minimize water replenishment in domestic use as well as conserve natural resources Testing the App for efficiency and effectiveness Launching the App to achieve residential water consumption goals and objectives End Game: Minimizing replenishment of water consumption leading to reduced Carbon Footprint and associated pollution

Quantifying Design Parameters for Optimum Product Performance
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Building various airplane models to test flight performance via distance & time Using office materials such as paper & metal to influence design & flight performance Varying available designs by raw material parameters to build airplanes Formulating to build airplanes using materials in simple formats & affordable cost Tracking cycle time to build different airplane designs for different applications Monitoring flight (linear or areal) distance & time (launch to land) by design types End Game: Quantifying Design Parameters for Optimum Flight Performance - Varying airplane design for differing flight performance (Distance and Time) - Controlling parameters to vary performance characteristics of flight (Distance and Time)

Home Office Printer Carbon Foot Print Reduction
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : Qualifying variables that impact CFP Baselining Existing Printer Devices For CFP Signatures Quantifying Opportunity For Reduced CFP Design Within Home Office Printer Users Generating CFP Pugh Matrix of Existing Home Office Printers Along With Opportunities Designing a Printer With 50 % Reduction on CFP Retaining Form, Fit & Function of New Design Concept New Printer Concept Aligned to meet "Design for Manufacturability" End Game: 50 % Reduction in CFP of Home Office Printers and Devices*Pugh Matrix ==> A quantitative tool to compare options in a normalized manner Here is a Pugh Matrix Template in MS Excel . **CFP => Carbon Foot Print Learners will be: a - Populating a chart to quantitatively compare different printers. b - Generating a Pugh Matrix on cost, complexity, MoC, Space, Product Lifetime, Recyclability. c - Concluding the Project with a Design Concept to demonstrate 50 % CFP reduction. d - Recommending CFP Reduction to meet Acceptable Design For Manufacturability.

Connectivity Excellence Across IoT Devices for Sustained Performance
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope : Baselining urgency & value proposition for IoT devices, relating to SW Quantifying unexpected downtime relating to SW updates Generating Pugh Matrix to form the basis toward App design & development Mapping process for App design & development, including integration with systems Design test plan to include already purchased & to-be purchased IoT devices Testing App for robusteness across available device types & manufacturers Finalizing App design to meet standard platform compliances for commercial use End Game : (a) New IoT Device Purchase Decision Making (b) Existing IoT Device Owners to Leverage SW Updates.

Predicting Organ Availability & Compatibility For Recipient's Transplant
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope: Creating an animation of this vision (Animation SW or Power Point) Simulating a demo system of Project's vision using available data Reaching out to network members (Personal, Professional, & HC Specialists*) Sourcing healthcare systems on JIT* characteristics for donated organs Defining the needs of a "live donated organ" inventory tracking system Designing, Developing and Launching a "live donated organ" inventory tracking system Rendering a functional "live donated organ" inventory tracking system Empowering patients with online "live donated organ" inventory tracking system access

Enabling Insurance Rebates & Discounts Based On Responsible Driving
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Baselining Consumer Driving Profile for Personal Improvement and Safety Designing App for vehicles to extract driving profiles Marketing Consumers to Download App for Displaying Driving Profiles Providing Driving Profile Access to Insurance Companies Leveraging Rebates or Discounts based on Shared Driving Profile (s) End Game: a - Automobile Drivers Change Driving Behaviors b - Fewer Claims for Insurance Companies c - Increased Capacity for City Traffic Law Enforcement d - Increased Safety for Consumers as Well as Vehicle Protection

Voice Call Operational Excellence
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope : Baselining frequency of missed, unwanted and repetitive calls and Voicemails Charting System Protocol Based on Escalation for Completion Testing system protocol of call forwarding toward engagement Networking Systems to Enable Calle Engagement Without Failure End Game : Eliminate Missed Calls, Unwanted Calls and Voice Mails

AI & Hologram Based Image Projections For Home & Office Interior Environments
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope : Wall Frame Pictures to AI Based Image Projection Baselining current wall space utilization of objects for memories & decoration Designing Technology to Replace Physical Objects With No Loss of Aesthetics Testing Viability for Homes Across Multiple Locations Designing Portable Hardware & App Based SW for Interior & Personal Home Use Testing Product Prior to Launch for Sustainable Success End Game: Eliminating Physical Objects on Interior Walls of Homes - AI Based Imaging

Opportunity-To-Offer (O2O) Career Transitioning Success
NOTE: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Scope: AI Based Methodology to Mentor Career Transitioning Candidates - Participating in a Mentorship Initiative to achieve successful career transition - Contributing to an initiative as a job-seeking candidate. - Mapping (via ppt.) the process of Opportunity-To-Offer of Job seeking candidates - Sharing data on Career Transitioning Process from Opportunity-To-Offer Objectives - Testing & Launching Job-Seeking candidate model for successful career objectives End Game : Reduced Time for Job-Seeking Candidates in their Opportunity-To-Offer Process.

Visual Comparison of Online AV File Downloading Providers
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Downloading videos and audios for no investment https://www.cisdem.com/resource/top-10-free-video-downloader-apps.html#iFunia Compare and Contrast these resources and create a Pugh Matrix . - Reviewing existing online providers for downloading audio & video online files - Including paid & unpaid online services systems for downloading files - Generating Performance with real data on speed, quality & any additional processing - Mapping entire process from raw audio or video file for downloading via PowerPoint - Animating process for ease of visualization & rapid customer comprehension - Comparing & Contrasting all providers of services for Pay-Ware & Freeware scenarios - Formulating information on a Pugh Matrix type document - Sharing The Pugh Matrix as. Final Deliverable End Game : Availability of a Visual Pugh Matrix for Online AV conversions

Author-Friendly App to Increase Peer Review Approval
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : Predictability model to mitigate peer review rejection for publishing in medical science. - Mapping As-Is process of peer review in the field of medical science publications - Conducting a "measurement systems analyses" (MSA) or peer review process - Compiling causes for peer review errors of ADS* vs RQS** Type Errors - Listing error-free criteria for peer review processes in the field of medical scientific publishing - Designing an Author-Friendly App to visualize risk of rejection, prior to submission - Displaying App to indicate areas of risk for author to amend, prior to final submission - Surveying Author on predicted probability of success vs. actual outcome from publisher - Compiling a crowdsourced predictability database for an Author-friendly Peer Review App * => Approving Disqualified Submissions (ADs) **=> Rejecting Qualified Submissions (RQs) End Game : Defect, Delay and Deviations Minimization in peer publication reviews, in the field of medical science & technology. Learners Will Be : a - Researching author's publishing experiences to quantify causes for peer review rejections b - Evaluating peer reviewing process for measurement system for ADs & RQs Errors c - Quantifying risks of peer review submission rejections to increase approval success d - Testing & Validating an Author-Friendly App to achieve objective in line item "c" e - Compiling Participating Author Experiences in their Peer Review Submissions Journey f - Generating a Predictability Model to increase submission acceptance during publishing

Predictive Analytics In Medical Science Publishing
Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review ourĀ AFAQs . Please review student incentives available, upon successful Project completion. Scope : Researching available online publications in selected fields of interest (Medical Science) Listing different customers on their need fir Predictive Analytics Generating the DB to model Predictability to varying Customer Needs Modeling the DB for Predictive Analytics for relevant customers for better planning and productivity Testing the Model for validity and statistical significance between the variable inputs and expected outputs

App Design and Development for Phonological Skills
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : Establish a baseline model for phonological improvement for beginners in learning a language. - Baselining gaps on phonological characteristics while learning a new language - Experimenting ethnic factors to evaluate causal contributions of nativity to phonics - Modelling to predict time to achieve phonological accuracy & precision - Validating the model for other languages, and/or phonological complexity - Delivering technological platform for beginners to gain phonological skills End Game: Reducing gaps in phonological skills via a technology based standardized feedback mechanism for breakthrough improvements. Learners Will Be: a - Researching literature on gaps associated with phonics based language learning b - Varying controllable factors in experiments to understand their impact on phonic skills c - Quantifying the variance contributions of factors to achieving phonic capability d - Testing the quantified model across languages and phonic complexity Using validated models to design technological solution (a.k.a. Web App) to render ease, convenience and economic value to enhance learning a new language.

Risk to Grid Uptime With Shift to EVs
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : - Baselining current Grid Uptime against consumer demand - Analyzing EV Grid Demand to predict Grid Uptime - Assessing market potential to shift to EVs while replacing ICE's with least risk to Grid Uptime - Including Solar Panel alternative for predicting Grid Uptime - Implementing metrics to reflect net CFP associated with shift to EVs - Evaluating Investment-Payoff Model for Grid Stakeholders End Game : Simulate Grid Uptime for conventional power consumption, based on multiple factors such as: EV Density, Grid Capacity and other for overall CFP reduction. **CFP => Carbon Foot Print Learners will be simulating Grid uptime based on multiple factors involved with consumer shift from ICEs to EVs. At the very end they will have a simple mathematical model to demonstrate risk to Grid uptime across the nation's power infrastructure.

Evaluation of Total Carbon Foot Print Reduction Across Emerging Technologies
Notes: Students & Instructors are encouraged to read & review our AFAQs . Please review student incentives post successful Project completion. Scope : - Listing all available non-fossil fuel based battery technologies - Baselining current CFP** profile with conventional non-fossil fuel based battery technology - Analyzing current gaps of non-fossil fuel based battery technology - Assessing potential to leverage economy of scale across industry, national & global scope - Implementing metrics for net CFP associated with such non-fossil fuel battery technologies - Optimizing Investment-Payoff Model for manufacturers & public consumers End Game : A Quantitative Comparison Matrix* of Net CFP associated with different sources of non-fossil fuel battery technology *Pugh Matrix ==> A quantitative tool to compare options in a normalized manner Here is a Pugh Matrix Template in MS Excel . **CFP => Carbon Foot Print Learners will be: a - Populating a chart to quantitatively compare different sources of non-fossil fuel based battery technologies. Lithium, Sodium, Lithium Sulfide, Lithium Phosphate and other mineral based resources. b - Generating a comparison matrix (a.k.a Pugh Matrix) including cost, process complexity, yield, availability, product lifetime, and other aspects toward lowering the CFP of the entire process from ore-to-battery. c - Concluding the Project with a mathematical model to demonstrate multiple investment models relating to CFP reduction along with respective payoffs. d - Recommending the maximum Payoff investment model for CFP reduction in the Automotive Battery industry.

Researching Available Cancer Treatment Protocols For Future Breakthrough
Please review the MGBS AFAQs prior to moving forward. - Mapping Existing Cancer Treatment Protocols from Identification to Remission - Quantifying time and Efficacy of Treatment Protocols During Key Stages - Comparing complexity and feasibility of Multiple Treatment Protocols - Displaying a Pugh Matrix of Multiple Treatment Protocols - Leveraging real-life examples of Multiple Treatment Protocols - Reporting Available Treatment Protocols for Breakthrough in Future Approaches End Game - Researching and Reporting available Cancer Treatment Protocols

Modeling Soil Fertility For High Horticultural & Agricultural Yields
Please review MGBS AFAQs prior to moving forward. - Baselining Existing Blooming & Harvesting Yields for flowers & vegetables - Identifying vital parameters to understand multiple variance contribution (s) to fertility - Quantifying methodology with yields to comprehend opportunities for higher soil fertility - Conducting minimum experiments in-house to generate real data from local nurseries - Illustrating live examples of increased yields for flower blooming & vegetable harvesting - Modeling data to test hypotheses for soil fertility for increased flower & vegetable yields End Game - Predicting Soil Fertility as a function of multiple parameters enhances probability of high yield flower blooming & vegetable harvest.

Breakthrough in Vaccine Protocol Excellence
Please review the MGBS AFAQs prior to moving forward. - Mapping Existing Vaccine Development Process Protocols Across Nations - Quantifying time and tasks associated with key stages - Identifying bottleneck (s) among key stages - Animating existing solutions to de-bottleneck key stages - Illustrating real-life examples of where de-bottlenecking has been achieved - Reporting results with evidence on vaccine protocol process breakthroughs End Game - Researching and reporting available literature for vaccine protocol breakthrough Learners will engage in mapping, quantifying, identifying, animating, illustrating and reporting the vaccine turnkey protocol process across a few nations of chocie:

AI Model For Horticultural Excellence
To Math Model for Horticultural Performance Excellence - Baselining opportunities in planning, production & commercialization of flowers & vegetables - Analyzing current gaps in this Industry to set targets for performance breakthrough - Assessing market potential to leverage such opportunities for Business & Personal use - Providing an online solution & system for performance Excellence - Using tools and techniques of Machine Learning and AI to execute the Project End Game : Offering a model for horticulturists to leverage information to plan produce & commercialize based on seasonal blooming and harvesting.