Data Analytics for New Gaming Industry Project

Academic experience
100 hours of work total
Advanced level

Project scope

Data analysis Market research Product or service launch
research and data analysis (quantitative and qualitative) business analytics data analysis competitive analysis research

The project is the first stage in a possible inconceivable shift in the world of sport/entertainment.

We are looking to have students research 2 key questions:

1. Does the data confirm the logistics of the events are viable?

2. If answer to question 1 is yes: Can/will the ability of modern day computers/software be able to implement this idea?

Due to security and copyright issues, an NDA must be signed by the professor before discussing specifics of the idea.

What will the students be working on?

We are looking to have students conduct data research from different sectors, integration of the data, extrapolation of data and collaborating to develop reports of the findings for the justification of your conclusions.

We need vision, as what you find may be a springboard to the future.

No deliverables exist for this project.

About the company

Unknown industries

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