ESG UN Sustainability Goals- Ocean Conservation/Decarboninzing Planet

Project scope
Project management Public relations International development Website development Information technologySkills
blockchain marine conservation digital content environmental social and corporate governance (esg) social justice non-fungible tokens (nft) market research arcgis (gis software) research legal discoveryYOUTH ON CLIMATE - SUSTAINABILITY - ENVIRONMENT: JOIN OUR PLANET GREEN TEAM at
Please join us as we are a team of innovators and alliance builders working with students first nations, educators and scientists researching conservation solutions and deploying action plans.
Projects scope from discovery on oceans to forests, to human rights and social justice, expanding access of “tech for good” and AI. Mapping using ArcGIS for forest biodiversity conservation project.
After COP26 in Glasgow, we are even more clear there is an urgent need for the voices of youth and joint commitments onmaking this Climate movement stronger. We have ongoing environmental ESG UNSDG based 80 hour projects, that help to mentor students and build their essential career skills.
CURRENT PROJECT ACTIONS: UNSDG Alliance building, developing campaigns, market research, digital content, interviewing multi-stakeholders, collaborating on impact projects and making change happen.
We are also working in forests, conservation, NFT, blockchain and technology for good. We have global projects along with ocean conservation for whales following research from the award winning film and advancing research on technologies to support and protect marine sanctuaries, oceans, forests and us all.
With Riipen we support the 80 hour project format plans, supporting teams working as changemakers.
. We are very hands-on empowering students to gain valuable skills for leader ship and support with strong mentorship
We perhaps for qualified students, may be able to get LEVEL up honorarium funds for Canadian students enrolled in Level UP/under RIIPEN. * Pending acceptance, if not then this is an unpaid internship. Yet the skill building is a highly valuable opportunity.
About the company is an innovative 501 c 3 non- profit organization, Catalyzing Solutions for Climate C02 DRAW DOWN FOR 2030. Empowering actions for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN.ORG) We are in Vancouver and San Francisco with partnership branches in the Amazon regions Canada/USA and Europe.