Analyzing the spatial distribution of trace elements in bone

Academic experience or paid work
80 hours per learner
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Intermediate level

Project scope

Social sciences
telecommuting trace element data analysis x-ray fluorescence

The Canadian Light Source, a synchrotron facility in Saskatoon, SK, has a multi resolution X-ray Fluorescence Imaging beamline that is used for health-related studies of metals in living systems. This 80-hour project will involve working remotely to learn and use the software for analysis on data that will be collected during an eight-hour test scan of a bone thin section to identify the spatial distribution of trace elements such as strontium and zinc.


1. Complete the required online training to become a future user at the Canadian Light Source

2. Learn about the development and applications of the BioXAS beamline

3. Obtain the software used for data analysis on BioXAS

4. Apply the analysis tools on the test scan and/or data collected from past scans.

5. Complete a short report (10 pages).


weekly meetings, mentorship

About the company

Our interdisciplinary department is home to 24 full-time faculty members from three social science disciplines: Anthropology, Economics and Political Science. Taking direction from the strengths and areas of scholarship of our faculty members, emerging trends in the social sciences and global social and cultural needs, we offer students diverse opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Enriching opportunities include an annual interdisciplinary undergraduate conference on emerging global issues and trends, our award-winning Model United Nations Club, a field placement and competition participation in economics and archeological field training and an anthropological field seminar in alternating years. In addition, our anthropology lab is a valued teaching and research facility that houses the university's human evolution and skeletal cast collection, as well as faunal specimens and artifacts such as pottery and stone tools.