Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions
  • question 1

    What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

    Takes initiative, creative problem-solving and clear communication skills
  • question 2

    How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

    Ryan worked closely with our sales and marketing teams
  • question 3

    Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

    Yes, we started this project very behind schedule and Ryan plugged in immediately, was onboarded by our team quickly and took initiative to ensure all of his tasks were completed on time despite the delayed project start date.
  • Learner feedback

    Individual endorsement
    Market positioning Customer insights Marketing Sales Business development Public relations campaigns

    Ryan helped to expand our brand’s visibility through marketing and sales efforts. He overcame unexpected obstacles with resourcefulness and took initiative and ownership over his role on the team.

    Ryan's work on the team has been invaluable!
    Market positioning Customer insights Development testing Target market Marketing Product quality (qa/qc) User research Behavioral analytics Technical documentation Systems design
    Co-Founder & Head of Operations
    Level UP: May 2024
    Product development cycle (project 6)
    Market positioning Customer insights Development testing Target market Marketing Product quality (qa/qc) User research Behavioral analytics Technical documentation Systems design
    Created At
    December 9, 2024